
Posts Tagged ‘existence’

He pats
a slow beat
on canvas so tight
it could be a drum.
His brushing fingers
leaving invisible
lines in the natural oils
of her body,
barely clinging to existence.
Creation and destruction
in the valley of her lower back.

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Why I Laughed

Inside her
I see endless
frightening enough
to make me
laugh. A miracle
on fire.
And in her face
is a path,
an abyss between
lips that
cross my wires
stopping me
from delivering messages.
Thin red lace
hugging her hips
and the quivering
confessions of
my agoraphobic
finger tips
as if playing
a guitar for the first
time. Variations
in the key of woman.
A flame in a vacuum
everything is inside,
drawn to her
like creation’s bang
around the ball
of nothing
that consumes
a new born reality.

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